Eko’s in the World Cup: England

We are opening Group B with England, known for years as the Queen’s land, which now must become the Kings’ land.


  • Name as written in its native language: England
  • Languages: English
  • Capital: London
  • Currency: Pound (BRL 5.67 – exchange rate on 09/26/2022)
  • Main soccer player: Harry Kane
  • Typical dish: Bangers and Mash

Interesting Facts

England, the main country of the United Kingdom and house of the English royal family, is one of the most talked about countries currently because of the recent change in the monarchy, with King Charles III assuming the throne after the decease of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. However, beyond the monarchy, England is the birthplace of soccer and the country, which currently has the most competitive national league in the world, with soccer players from all over the world trying to join English soccer clubs.

England was a pioneer in global industrialization with the set up of several factories, and this consolidated its economy. Currently, the country has its economic activities centered on the sectors of financial services, such as banks, insurance companies, and insurance agreements sold on the London Stock Exchange.

English is, of course, the official language of England, but curiously the English spoken in England is different than that spoken in the United States, for example. Usually, the English spoken in England is called British English, and one example of linguistic variation is the word football. In the US, the word soccer is used to refer to the sport, but in England the word football is used. That is why our translators are always mindful of the singularities of every text, so that the translations have excellence.

It should also be noted that soccer was brought to Brazil by the English. Actually, a man of English origin, Charles Miller, born in São Paulo to a Scottish father and a Brazilian mother of English origin, was sent to England to study at the age of nine, in 1883, and there he found out about soccer and fell in love with it.

He came back to Brazil in 1894 and landed at Port of Santos, bringing along a pair of soccer shoes, two soccer balls, one pump to inflate them, and two shirts from the team he had defended in England, St Mary’s (which later became Southampton, an English club that still exists today) and Corinthian Football Club (which later inspired the foundation of Esporte Clube Corinthians Paulista in Brazil and that still exists today as well).

Concerning its cuisine, the typical English dish is Bangers and Mash, made with sausage with mashed potatoes and thick onion sauce. This sausage would be what Brazilians call linguiça and in this dish it may be spicy.

On the field, the English national team is not going through a good phase. Its last title was in 1966, when it defeated Germany in the World Cup and, recently, the national team was relegated in the Nations League, which shows that English soccer is really strong due to its enormous internationalization, as the English League counts on a large number of foreigners in the main teams. 

The hope of breaking the drought of titles falls upon Harry Kane, the center forward of Tottenham and the national team, who asked for the fans’ support after the relegation in the Nations League and who promises a better performance of the English soccer in the World Cup. Kane’s performance has not been a problem so far this season: he scored 6 goals in 7 matches in the English League. We will see if his partners will help him take England further in the World Cup.

This was Eko’s in the World Cup – England. If you liked this, follow us on our social media (Instagram: @ekostraducoes / LinkedIn: ekostraducoes) and come back tomorrow, because we will be talking about Iran.

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