Eko’s in the World Cup: Ghana

Today is the day to talk about Ghana, the last African country of Eko’s in the World Cup.


  • Name written in its native language: Ghana
  • Language: English
  • Capital city: Acra
  • Currency: Ghanaian Cedi (BRL 0.36 – currency exchange on 11/08/2022)
  • Main player: Thomas Partey
  • Typical food: Fufu


Ghana was, for a long time, known as the Land of Gold. This is because its territory used to produce a lot of this resource, mainly between VII and XI centuries.

The country was already a British colony and was part of the United Kingdom, gaining its independence in 1957 and becoming the first African country to have its own state.

Lake Volta in Ghana is the largest artificial lake in the world surface, with 8502 km² and covering 3.6% of the country land area.

Ghana is the country located further to the earth center; its territory is close to the Equator line and the Greenwich meridian, which define the latitude and longitude coordinates of the planet. For this reason, Ghana has only two seasons during the year, summer and winter.

The main economic activity in Ghana is the extraction of mineral products and agriculture, with cocoa being the main product of the country, and Ghana also exports gold and wood in large amounts.

The official language of Ghana is English; however, the country is considered as multilingual, with approximately 80 different languages, including Akan, which is the most spoken language. We can also highlight Ashanti, which was originated in the empire with the same name, whose civilization inhabited the territory during the pre-colonial period. All documents of the country are issued in English, and their translation can be done by a professional translator.

Ghana cuisine uses a lot of fruits, flours, and vegetables, as well as other African countries. The dish we highlight is fufu, a dough-like food made of manioc, corn, and plantain. All the ingredients are cooked together and mashed until they become a homogeneous dough. Fufu is served with fish, cracklings, or other side dishes.

Ghana team is in its 4th participation in World Cup. Ghana best participation was in 2010, when it arrived in the quarterfinals and was eliminated by Uruguay in the penalty shoot-out.

Nowadays, its main player is Thomas Partey, who plays in Arsenal from England. The defensive midfielder has already played in Atlético de Madrid, where he stood out and was sold by 40 million Euros. Partey is a player with defensive characteristics, but he has a good arrival ahead. In this season, he has already scored 2 goals in 10 matches and his team leads the Premier League. In the national team, Partey scored 13 goals in 40 matches and should dictate the rhythm of Ghana middle field, which dreams of arriving as far as in 2010.

This was Eko’s in the World Cup for Ghana. If you liked it, follow our social media (Instagram: @ekostraducoes / LinkedIn: ekostraducoes) and come back tomorrow, because we are going to talk about Uruguay.

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